DOWNWARD is the first step towards creating a bigger performance that will combine art and life in ways unthinkable until now and will keep attracting visitors – silenauts in the coming years. DOWNWARD is the beginning of a “film-theater” in which imagination becomes reality, and reality goes beyond imagination. YOUR own imagination…
So … it turns out that Vertigo’s glass crystal is just the tip of the iceberg. Deep beneath the surface there is another part of the Institute for Silence Research – a complex labyrinth of endless corridors, research laboratories, swimming pools, water mirrors, emitters and libraries – all of them elements from the scientific yet poetic technology of the silenauts.
For the first time in its history, the Institute for Silence Research will allow visitors to enter the space below the upper levels (where so far all events for external researchers – silenauts – have taken place) and witness the processes in one of the sound laboratories, where the deeper silenauts conduct their artistic research.
DOWN towards the next level of submersion into the ocean of Silence; submersion which will bring you a deeper dimension of clarity, peace, and TIMELESSNESS. This is an unusual and unforgettable experience develops further the mythology of the Silenauts from the Institute for Silence Research, mixing in an inseparable way reality and imagination, art and life.
Like every event created by the Institute for Silence Research in collaboration with the Sensory Theatre Sofia, this is an EXPERIENCE BEYOND WORDS which the visitors will go through with their eyes closed in order to create the conditions for awakening the rest of their senses, their intuition, imagination and inner leadership.
An experience created by silenauts for silenauts.
Bring your own personal Silence ….