The Infinite sea DOES exist. Endless. Timeless. You Can reach it. The Infinite sea is not far away and that is why it is hard to reach – it is so close. Closeness could be so compelling! And yet…
A group of researchers and meta-artists succeeded in constructing TIMELESSNESS generator. The device resembles a huge crystal whose larger part is located underground. By generating a timeless field, the crystal opens portals to a dimension without any limits…Once you go through the portal, you begin the general rehearsal for the RETURN. The Infinite sea, in fact…
From “Terminal ∞” and “The Institute for Silence Research” through “Creatorium” and “Vortex”, the performances of Sensory Theatre Sofia outline a clear trajectory which encompasses a number of main topics, united by one general direction – from the limited and the ultimate to the infinite. The new sensory performance-labyrinth MARE INFINITUM is just the next point on this trajectory. As high tech, dark and deep as it is, MARE INFINITUM brings the senses to their limits (in the direction of the barely perceivable) and tries to transfer the participant’s mind in the dimension beyond.
MARE INFINITUM is an interactive “site-specific” performance, from the “sensory labyrinth theatre” type. In this theatre, the audience consists of active participants (not passive spectators) who meet and interact with the artists in person, thus creating their own performance (on the stage of their minds). The Labyrinth travellers pass through sensory installations, prepared in advance, rich with unusual provocations (auditory, tactile, aromatic, visual and flavour).
The visit of the performances is individual, that is why you SHOULD book and buy a ticket IN ADVANCE at
Ticket: 60 BGN
WHEN: 16th and 17th NOVEMBER
Where: Vertigo Business Tower (109 Bulgaria blvd.)
The tickets are limited to 30 for a single performance.
The project is accomplished with the financial support of Ministry of Culture – Bulgaria.