“Republic of the Imagination” is the topic of the first training in the methods of the Sensory Theatre Labyrinth to take place in Bulgaria. It will be open to the wide public and will bring its creator – the Welsh director and researcher Iwan Brioc – to the Bulgarian participants.
The training represents:
- A 10-day practical course, which will introduce you to the concept and principles of the Context Oriented Arts, especially the methods of work in the Sensory Theatre Labyrinth;
- A unique opportunity to draw directly from the source knowledge, experience and inspiration – Iwan Brioc is the “father” who has created and developed the innovative artistic and therapeutic form “Sensory Theatre Labyrinth”;
- An intensive process, exploring human perceptions, collective archetypes and symbols, local history and culture, as well as various ways of accomplishing sensual impact and sending a message;
- A personal initiation into the sphere of interactive performance – the participants end their training with the creation of their own performance-Labyrinth, linked to the specific theme and site – “site specific performance”;
- An invitation and opportunity to become part of the creative team, which for the last few years has put on performances of the Sensory Theatre Labyrinth in Bulgaria.
The “Republic of the Imagination” training is open to ALL who want to embark on an inner journey within themselves, to explore their personal limitations, convictions and beliefs, to manifest their creative energy and imagination, and to discover creative methods of relating and communicating with the Other.